Title: | Testing Pleiotropy in Multiparental Populations |
Description: | We implement an adaptation of Jiang & Zeng's (1995) <https://www.genetics.org/content/140/3/1111> likelihood ratio test for testing the null hypothesis of pleiotropy against the alternative hypothesis, two separate quantitative trait loci. The test differs from that in Jiang & Zeng (1995) <https://www.genetics.org/content/140/3/1111> and that in Tian et al. (2016) <doi:10.1534/genetics.115.183624> in that our test accommodates multiparental populations. |
Authors: | Frederick J Boehm [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Frederick J Boehm <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-05 05:33:44 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/fboehm/qtl2pleio |
Add physical map contents to tibble
add_pmap(tib, pmap)
add_pmap(tib, pmap)
tib |
a tibble with 3 columns: marker, trace, and profile lod values, typically outputted by calc_profile_lods() |
pmap |
a physical map for a single chromosome |
a tibble with 4 columns: marker, trait, profile_lod, marker_position
pm <- 1:3 names(pm) <- as.character(paste0('m', 1:3)) expand.grid(paste0('m', 1:3), paste0('m', 1:3)) %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(log10lik = rgamma(9, 5)) %>% calc_profile_lods() %>% add_pmap(pm)
pm <- 1:3 names(pm) <- as.character(paste0('m', 1:3)) expand.grid(paste0('m', 1:3), paste0('m', 1:3)) %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(log10lik = rgamma(9, 5)) %>% calc_profile_lods() %>% add_pmap(pm)
Create a bootstrap sample, perform multivariate QTL scan, and calculate log10 LRT statistic
boot_pvl( probs, pheno, addcovar = NULL, kinship = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp, pleio_peak_index, nboot = 1, max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
boot_pvl( probs, pheno, addcovar = NULL, kinship = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp, pleio_peak_index, nboot = 1, max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
probs |
founder allele probabilities three-dimensional array for one chromosome only (not a list) |
pheno |
n by d matrix of phenotypes |
addcovar |
n by c matrix of additive numeric covariates |
kinship |
a kinship matrix, not a list |
start_snp |
positive integer indicating index within probs for start of scan |
n_snp |
number of (consecutive) markers to use in scan |
pleio_peak_index |
positive integer index indicating genotype matrix for bootstrap sampling. Typically acquired by using 'find_pleio_peak_tib'. |
nboot |
number of bootstrap samples to acquire and scan |
max_iter |
maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm |
max_prec |
stepwise precision for EM algorithm. EM stops once incremental difference in log likelihood is less than max_prec |
cores |
number of cores to use when calling mclapply to parallelize the bootstrap analysis. |
Performs a parametric bootstrap method to calibrate test statistic values in the test of pleiotropy vs. separate QTL. It begins by inferring parameter values at the 'pleio_peak_index' index value in the object 'probs'. It then uses these inferred parameter values in sampling from a multivariate normal distribution. For each of the 'nboot' sampled phenotype vectors, a two-dimensional QTL scan, starting at the marker indexed by 'start_snp' within the object 'probs' and extending for a total of 'n_snp' consecutive markers. The two-dimensional scan is performed via the function 'scan_pvl_clean'. For each two-dimensional scan, a log10 likelihood ratio test statistic is calculated. The outputted object is a vector of 'nboot' log10 likelihood ratio test statistics from 'nboot' distinct bootstrap samples.
numeric vector of (log) likelihood ratio test statistics from 'nboot_per_job' bootstrap samples
Knott SA, Haley CS (2000) Multitrait least squares for quantitative trait loci detection. Genetics 156: 899–911.
Walling GA, Visscher PM, Haley CS (1998) A comparison of bootstrap methods to construct confidence intervals in QTL mapping. Genet. Res. 71: 171–180.
n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) boot_pvl(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, start_snp = 1, n_snp = 5, pleio_peak_index = 3, nboot = 1, cores = 1)
n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) boot_pvl(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, start_snp = 1, n_snp = 5, pleio_peak_index = 3, nboot = 1, cores = 1)
Calculate estimated allele effects, B matrix
calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
X |
dn by df block-diagonal design matrix that incorporates genetic info for d markers. Note that we can use the same marker data twice. |
Sigma_inv |
dn by dn inverse covariance matrix, often composed as the inverse of |
Y |
dn by 1 matrix, ie, a column vector, of d phenotypes' measurements |
a df by 1 matrix of GLS-estimated allele effects
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
Calculate Vg and Ve from d-variate phenotype and kinship
calc_covs( pheno, kinship, X1pre = rep(1, nrow(kinship)), max_iter = 1e+06, max_prec = 1/1e+08, covariates = NULL )
calc_covs( pheno, kinship, X1pre = rep(1, nrow(kinship)), max_iter = 1e+06, max_prec = 1/1e+08, covariates = NULL )
pheno |
n by d matrix of phenotypes |
kinship |
a kinship matrix, n by n |
X1pre |
n by c design matrix. c = 1 to ignore genotypes |
max_iter |
maximum number of EM iterations |
max_prec |
maximum precision for stepwise increments in EM algorithm |
covariates |
a n by n.cov matrix of numeric covariates |
a list with 2 named components, Vg and Ve. Each is a d by d covariance matrix.
calc_covs(pheno = matrix(data = rnorm(100), nrow = 50, ncol = 2), kinship = diag(50))
calc_covs(pheno = matrix(data = rnorm(100), nrow = 50, ncol = 2), kinship = diag(50))
Calculate matrix inverse square root for a covariance matrix
A |
covariance matrix |
Calculate a likelihood ratio test statistic from the output of scan_pvl()
scan_pvl_out |
outputted tibble from scan_pvl |
a number, the (log) likelihood ratio test statistic
rep(paste0('Marker', 1:3), times = 3) -> marker1 rep(paste0('Marker', 1:3), each = 3) -> marker2 runif(9, -1, 0) -> ll tibble::tibble(marker1, marker2, ll) -> scan_out calc_lrt_tib(scan_out)
rep(paste0('Marker', 1:3), times = 3) -> marker1 rep(paste0('Marker', 1:3), each = 3) -> marker2 runif(9, -1, 0) -> ll tibble::tibble(marker1, marker2, ll) -> scan_out calc_lrt_tib(scan_out)
Calculate profile lods for all traits
scan_pvl_out |
tibble outputted from scan_pvl |
a tibble with 3 columns, indicating 'marker identity, trace (pleiotropy or profile1, profile2, etc.), and value of the profile lod (base 10) for that trace at that marker.
Calculate the phenotypes covariance matrix Sigma
calc_Sigma(Vg, Ve, kinship = NULL, n_mouse = nrow(kinship))
calc_Sigma(Vg, Ve, kinship = NULL, n_mouse = nrow(kinship))
Vg |
d by d genetic covariance matrix for the d phenotypes |
Ve |
d by d error covariance matrix for the d phenotypes |
kinship |
optional n by n kinship matrix. if NULL, Vg is not used. |
n_mouse |
number of subjects |
dn by dn covariance matrix
Calculate matrix square root for a covariance matrix
A |
covariance matrix |
Check whether a vector, x, has all its entries equal to its first entry
x |
a vector |
a logical indicating whether all vector entries are the same
x <- 1:5 check_identical(x) y <- rep(1, 5) check_identical(y)
x <- 1:5 check_identical(x) y <- rep(1, 5) check_identical(y)
We use 'is.finite' from base R to identify those subjects that have one or more missing values in 'input_matrix'. We then return a character vector of subjects that have no missingness in 'input_matrix'.
input_matrix |
phenotypes or covariates matrix |
character vector of subjects that have no missingness
We convert output of 'scan_multi_oneqtl' into format outputted by 'qtl2::scan1'.
convert_to_scan1_output(sm_output, trait_name)
convert_to_scan1_output(sm_output, trait_name)
sm_output |
tibble output from scan_multi_oneqtl for one chromosome only |
trait_name |
character vector (of length one) specifying the trait names |
object of class 'scan1'
# read data iron <- qtl2::read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "iron.zip", package="qtl2")) # insert pseudomarkers into map map <- qtl2::insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1) # calculate genotype probabilities probs <- qtl2::calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002) # grab phenotypes and covariates; ensure that covariates have names attribute pheno <- iron$pheno covar <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m")) # make numeric names(covar) <- rownames(iron$covar) Xcovar <- qtl2::get_x_covar(iron) aprobs <- qtl2::genoprob_to_alleleprob(probs) sm_out <- scan_multi_oneqtl(probs = aprobs, pheno = pheno) sm_to_s1 <- convert_to_scan1_output(sm_out[[1]], trait_name = "tr1and2") # 95% Bayes credible interval for QTL on chr 7, first phenotype qtl2::bayes_int(sm_to_s1, map)
# read data iron <- qtl2::read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "iron.zip", package="qtl2")) # insert pseudomarkers into map map <- qtl2::insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1) # calculate genotype probabilities probs <- qtl2::calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002) # grab phenotypes and covariates; ensure that covariates have names attribute pheno <- iron$pheno covar <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m")) # make numeric names(covar) <- rownames(iron$covar) Xcovar <- qtl2::get_x_covar(iron) aprobs <- qtl2::genoprob_to_alleleprob(probs) sm_out <- scan_multi_oneqtl(probs = aprobs, pheno = pheno) sm_to_s1 <- convert_to_scan1_output(sm_out[[1]], trait_name = "tr1and2") # 95% Bayes credible interval for QTL on chr 7, first phenotype qtl2::bayes_int(sm_to_s1, map)
Find the marker index corresponding to the peak of the pleiotropy trace in a tibble where the last column contains log likelihood values and the first d columns contain marker ids
find_pleio_peak_tib(tib, start_snp)
find_pleio_peak_tib(tib, start_snp)
tib |
a (d+1) column tibble with first d columns containing marker ids and the last containing log likelihood values. Typically this is the output from 'scan_pvl'. |
start_snp |
positive integer, from the two-dimensional scan, that indicates where the scan started on the chromosome |
positive integer indicating marker index for maximum value of log lik under pleiotropy
marker1 <- rep(paste0('SNP', 1:3), times = 3) marker2 <- rep(paste0('SNP', 1:3), each = 3) loglik <- runif(9, -5, 0) tibble::tibble(marker1, marker2, loglik) -> tib find_pleio_peak_tib(tib, start_snp = 1)
marker1 <- rep(paste0('SNP', 1:3), times = 3) marker2 <- rep(paste0('SNP', 1:3), each = 3) loglik <- runif(9, -5, 0) tibble::tibble(marker1, marker2, loglik) -> tib find_pleio_peak_tib(tib, start_snp = 1)
'fit1_pvl' uses several functions in the package qtl2pleio to fit the linear mixed effects model for a single d-tuple of markers. Creation of 'fit1_pvl' - from code that originally resided in 'scan_pvl', enabled parallelization via the 'parallel' R package.
fit1_pvl(indices, start_snp, probs, addcovar, inv_S, S, pheno)
fit1_pvl(indices, start_snp, probs, addcovar, inv_S, S, pheno)
indices |
a vector of indices for extracting elements of 'probs' array |
start_snp |
an integer to specify the index of the marker where the scan - in call to scan_pvl - starts. This argument is needed because 'mytab' has only relative indices (relative to the 'start_snp' marker) |
probs |
founder allele probabilities array |
addcovar |
additive covariates matrix |
inv_S |
inverse covariance matrix for the vectorized phenotype |
S |
covariance matrix for the vectorized phenotype, ie, the inverse of inv_S. By making this a function input, we avoid inverting the matrix many many times. |
pheno |
a n by d phenotypes matrix |
a number, the log-likelihood for the specified model
n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) Vg <- diag(2) Ve <- diag(2) Sigma <- calc_Sigma(Vg, Ve, diag(n)) Sigma_inv <- solve(Sigma) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] mytab <- prep_mytab(d_size = 2, n_snp = 5) fit1_pvl(mytab[1, ], start_snp = 1, probs = probs, addcovar = NULL, inv_S = Sigma_inv, S = Sigma, pheno = pheno )
n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) Vg <- diag(2) Ve <- diag(2) Sigma <- calc_Sigma(Vg, Ve, diag(n)) Sigma_inv <- solve(Sigma) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] mytab <- prep_mytab(d_size = 2, n_snp = 5) fit1_pvl(mytab[1, ], start_snp = 1, probs = probs, addcovar = NULL, inv_S = Sigma_inv, S = Sigma, pheno = pheno )
Extract founder allele effects at a single marker from output of qtl2::scan1coef
get_effects(marker_index, allele_effects_matrix, map, columns = 1:8)
get_effects(marker_index, allele_effects_matrix, map, columns = 1:8)
marker_index |
an integer indicating where in the 'map' object the peak position (or position of interest) is located |
allele_effects_matrix |
output of 'qtl2::scan1coef' for a single chromosome |
map |
a map object for the chromosome of interest |
columns |
which columns to choose within the 'allele_effects_matrix'. Default is 1:8 to reflect 8 founder alleles of Diversity Outbred mice |
a vector of 8 founder allele effects at a single marker
a vector of founder allele effects at a single marker
# set up allele effects matrix ae <- matrix(dat = rnorm(100 * 8), ncol = 8, nrow = 100) ae[, 8] <- - rowSums(ae[, 1:7]) colnames(ae) <- LETTERS[1:8] rownames(ae) <- paste0(1, "_", 1:100) # set up map map <- 1:100 names(map) <- rownames(ae) # call get_effects get_effects(marker_index = 15, allele_effects_matrix = ae, map = map)
# set up allele effects matrix ae <- matrix(dat = rnorm(100 * 8), ncol = 8, nrow = 100) ae[, 8] <- - rowSums(ae[, 1:7]) colnames(ae) <- LETTERS[1:8] rownames(ae) <- paste0(1, "_", 1:100) # set up map map <- 1:100 names(map) <- rownames(ae) # call get_effects get_effects(marker_index = 15, allele_effects_matrix = ae, map = map)
We consider only those inputs that are not NULL. We then use 'intersect' on pairs of inputs' rownames to identify those subjects are shared among all non-NULL inputs.
make_id2keep(probs, pheno, addcovar = NULL, kinship = NULL)
make_id2keep(probs, pheno, addcovar = NULL, kinship = NULL)
probs |
an allele probabilities array |
pheno |
a phenotypes matrix |
addcovar |
a covariates matrix |
kinship |
a kinship matrix |
a character vector of subject IDs common to all (non-null) inputs
Plot tidied results of a pvl scan
plot_pvl( dat, units = "Mb", palette = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"), linetype = c("solid", "longdash", "dotted") )
plot_pvl( dat, units = "Mb", palette = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"), linetype = c("solid", "longdash", "dotted") )
dat |
a profile lod tibble |
units |
a character vector of length one to indicate units for physical or genetic map |
palette |
a character vector of length 3 containing strings for colors |
linetype |
a character vector of length 3 specifying the linetype values for the 3 traces |
a ggplot object with profile LODs
Prepare mytab object for use within scan_pvl R code
prep_mytab(d_size, n_snp, pvl = TRUE)
prep_mytab(d_size, n_snp, pvl = TRUE)
d_size |
an integer, the number of traits |
n_snp |
an integer, the number of markers |
pvl |
logical indicating whether to output dataframe with all d-tuples for a d-QTL scan, or only those models that examine one marker at a time. |
a data.frame with d_size + 1 columns and (n_snp)^d_size rows. Last column is NA and named loglik.
prep_mytab(2, 10)
prep_mytab(2, 10)
Create a list of component X matrices for input to stagger_mats, to ultimately create design matrix
prep_X_list(indices, start_snp, probs, covariates)
prep_X_list(indices, start_snp, probs, covariates)
indices |
a vector of integers |
start_snp |
an integer denoting the index (within genotype probabilities array) where the scan should start |
probs |
a three-dimensional array of genotype probabilities for a single chromosome |
covariates |
a matrix of covariates |
a list of design matrices, ultimately useful when constructing the (multi-locus) design matrix
pp <- array(rbinom(n = 200, size = 1, prob = 0.5), dim = c(10, 2, 10)) prep_X_list(1:3, 1, probs = pp, covariates = NULL)
pp <- array(rbinom(n = 200, size = 1, prob = 0.5), dim = c(10, 2, 10)) prep_X_list(1:3, 1, probs = pp, covariates = NULL)
Process inputs to scan functions
process_inputs( probs, pheno, addcovar, kinship, n_snp = dim(probs)[3], start_snp = 1, max_iter = 10^4, max_prec = 1/10^8 )
process_inputs( probs, pheno, addcovar, kinship, n_snp = dim(probs)[3], start_snp = 1, max_iter = 10^4, max_prec = 1/10^8 )
probs |
a three-dimensional array of founder allele probabilities |
pheno |
a matrix of d trait values |
addcovar |
a matrix of covariates |
kinship |
a kinship matrix |
n_snp |
number of markers |
start_snp |
index number of start position in the probs object. |
max_iter |
max number of iterations for EM |
max_prec |
max precision for stopping EM |
Estimate allele effects matrix, B hat, with Rcpp functions
rcpp_calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
rcpp_calc_Bhat(X, Sigma_inv, Y)
X |
dn by df block-diagonal design matrix that incorporates genetic info for two markers. Note that we can use the same marker data twice. |
Sigma_inv |
dn by dn inverse covariance matrix, where its inverse, ie, Sigma, is often composed as |
Y |
dn by 1 matrix, ie, a column vector, of d phenotypes' measurements |
a df by 1 matrix of GLS-estimated allele effects
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) rcpp_calc_Bhat(X = X, Sigma_inv = Sigma_inv, Y = Y)
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) rcpp_calc_Bhat(X = X, Sigma_inv = Sigma_inv, Y = Y)
Estimate allele effects matrix, B hat, with Rcpp functions
rcpp_calc_Bhat2(X, Y, Sigma_inv)
rcpp_calc_Bhat2(X, Y, Sigma_inv)
X |
dn by df block-diagonal design matrix that incorporates genetic info for two markers. Note that we can use the same marker data twice. |
Y |
dn by 1 matrix, ie, a column vector, of d phenotypes' measurements |
Sigma_inv |
dn by dn inverse covariance matrix, often composed as inverse of |
a df by 1 matrix of GLS-estimated allele effects
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) rcpp_calc_Bhat2(X = X, Y = Y, Sigma_inv = Sigma_inv)
X1 <- as.matrix(rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2)) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(X1, X1) Sigma_inv <- diag(200) Y <- runif(200) rcpp_calc_Bhat2(X = X, Y = Y, Sigma_inv = Sigma_inv)
Calculate log likelihood for a multivariate normal
rcpp_log_dmvnorm2(inv_S, mu, x, S)
rcpp_log_dmvnorm2(inv_S, mu, x, S)
inv_S |
inverse covariance matrix |
mu |
mean vector |
x |
data vector |
S |
covariance matrix, ie, the inverse of inv_S |
'scan_multi_onechr' calculates log likelihood for d-variate phenotype model fits. Inputted parameter 'start_snp' indicates where in the 'probs' object to start the scan.
scan_multi_onechr( probs, pheno, kinship = NULL, addcovar = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp = dim(probs)[3], max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
scan_multi_onechr( probs, pheno, kinship = NULL, addcovar = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp = dim(probs)[3], max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
probs |
an array of founder allele probabilities for a single chromosome |
pheno |
a matrix of phenotypes |
kinship |
a kinship matrix for one chromosome |
addcovar |
a matrix, n subjects by c additive covariates |
start_snp |
index of where to start the scan within probs |
n_snp |
the number of (consecutive) markers to include in the scan |
max_iter |
maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm |
max_prec |
stepwise precision for EM algorithm. EM stops once incremental difference in log likelihood is less than max_prec |
cores |
number of cores for parallelization |
a tibble with d + 1 columns. First d columns indicate the genetic data (by listing the marker ids) used in the design matrix; last is log10 likelihood
Knott SA, Haley CS (2000) Multitrait least squares for quantitative trait loci detection. Genetics 156: 899–911.
Jiang C, Zeng ZB (1995) Multiple trait analysis of genetic mapping for quantitative trait loci. Genetics 140: 1111-1127.
Zhou X, Stephens M (2014) Efficient multivariate linear mixed model algorithms for genome-wide association studies. Nature methods 11:407-409.
Broman KW, Gatti DM, Simecek P, Furlotte NA, Prins P, Sen S, Yandell BS, Churchill GA (2019) R/qtl2: software for mapping quantitative trait loci with high-dimensional data and multi-parent populations. GENETICS https://www.genetics.org/content/211/2/495.
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_multi_onechr(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, kinship = NULL, cores = 1)
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_multi_onechr(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, kinship = NULL, cores = 1)
The function first discards individuals with one or more missing phenotypes or missing covariates.
It then infers variance components, Vg and Ve. Both Vg and Ve
are d by d covariance matrices. It uses an expectation maximization algorithm, as
implemented in the 'gemma2' R package. 'gemma2' R package is an R implementation of the
GEMMA algorithm for multivariate variance component estimation (Zhou & Stephens 2014 Nature methods).
Note that variance components are fitted on a model that uses the d-variate phenotype
but contains no genetic information. This model does, however,
use the specified covariates (after dropping dependent columns
in the covariates matrix).
These inferred covariance matrices, and
are then used in subsequent model fitting via
generalized least squares.
Generalized least squares model fitting is applied to every marker on
every chromosome.
For a single marker, we fit the model:
where denotes the matrix-variate
normal distribution with three parameters: mean matrix, covariance among rows, and
covariance among columns.
denotes the vectorization operation, ie, stacking by columns.
is a kinship matrix, typically calculated by leave-one-chromosome-out methods.
is the n by d phenotypes matrix.
is a block-diagonal nd by fd matrix consisting of
d blocks each of dimension n by f. Each n by f block (on the diagonal) contains a matrix of
founder allele probabilities for the n subjects at a single marker. The off-diagonal blocks
have only zero entries.
The log-likelihood is returned for each model. The outputted object is a tibble with
d + 1 columns. The first d columns specify the markers used in the corresponding model fit, while
the last column specifies the log-likelihood value at that d-tuple of markers.
scan_multi_oneqtl( probs_list, pheno, kinship_list = NULL, addcovar = NULL, cores = 1 )
scan_multi_oneqtl( probs_list, pheno, kinship_list = NULL, addcovar = NULL, cores = 1 )
probs_list |
an list of arrays of founder allele probabilities |
pheno |
a matrix of phenotypes |
kinship_list |
a list of kinship matrices, one for each chromosome |
addcovar |
a matrix, n subjects by c additive covariates |
cores |
number of cores for parallelization via parallel::mclapply() |
a tibble with d + 1 columns. First d columns indicate the genetic data (by listing the marker ids) used in the design matrix; last is log10 likelihood
Knott SA, Haley CS (2000) Multitrait least squares for quantitative trait loci detection. Genetics 156: 899–911.
Jiang C, Zeng ZB (1995) Multiple trait analysis of genetic mapping for quantitative trait loci. Genetics 140: 1111-1127.
Zhou X, Stephens M (2014) Efficient multivariate linear mixed model algorithms for genome-wide association studies. Nature methods 11:407-409.
Broman KW, Gatti DM, Simecek P, Furlotte NA, Prins P, Sen S, Yandell BS, Churchill GA (2019) R/qtl2: software for mapping quantitative trait loci with high-dimensional data and multi-parent populations. GENETICS https://www.genetics.org/content/211/2/495.
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_multi_oneqtl(probs_list = list(probs, probs), pheno = pheno, cores = 1)
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_multi_oneqtl(probs_list = list(probs, probs), pheno = pheno, cores = 1)
Permute the phenotypes matrix and then scan the genome. Record the genomewide greatest LOD score for each permuted data set.
scan_multi_oneqtl_perm( probs_list, pheno, kinship_list = NULL, addcovar = NULL, n_perm = 1, cores = 1 )
scan_multi_oneqtl_perm( probs_list, pheno, kinship_list = NULL, addcovar = NULL, n_perm = 1, cores = 1 )
probs_list |
a list of founder allele probabilities, one array per chromosome |
pheno |
a matrix of trait values |
kinship_list |
a list of kinship matrices, one per chromosome |
addcovar |
a matrix of covariate values |
n_perm |
positive integer for the number of permuted data sets to scan. |
cores |
number of cores for parallelization |
a vector of 'n_perm' max lod statistics
'scan_pvl' calculates log likelihood for d-variate phenotype model fits. Inputted parameter 'start_snp' indicates where in the 'probs' object to start the scan.
scan_pvl( probs, pheno, kinship = NULL, addcovar = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp, max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
scan_pvl( probs, pheno, kinship = NULL, addcovar = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp, max_iter = 10000, max_prec = 1/1e+08, cores = 1 )
probs |
an array of founder allele probabilities for a single chromosome |
pheno |
a matrix of phenotypes |
kinship |
a kinship matrix for one chromosome |
addcovar |
a matrix, n subjects by c additive covariates |
start_snp |
index of where to start the scan within probs |
n_snp |
the number of (consecutive) markers to include in the scan |
max_iter |
maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm |
max_prec |
stepwise precision for EM algorithm. EM stops once incremental difference in log likelihood is less than max_prec |
cores |
number of cores to use when parallelizing via parallel::mclapply. Set to 1 for no parallelization. |
The function first discards individuals with one or more missing phenotypes or missing covariates.
It then infers variance components, Vg and Ve. Both Vg and Ve
are d by d covariance matrices. It uses an expectation maximization algorithm, as
implemented in the 'gemma2' R package. 'gemma2' R package is an R implementation of the
GEMMA algorithm for multivariate variance component estimation (Zhou & Stephens 2014 Nature methods).
Note that variance components are fitted on a model that uses the d-variate phenotype
but contains no genetic information. This model does, however,
use the specified covariates (after dropping dependent columns
in the covariates matrix).
These inferred covariance matrices, and
are then used in subsequent model fitting via
generalized least squares.
Generalized least squares model fitting is applied to every d-tuple of
markers within the specified genomic region for 'scan_pvl'.
For a single d-tuple of markers, we fit the model:
where denotes the matrix-variate
normal distribution with three parameters: mean matrix, covariance among rows, and
covariance among columns.
denotes the vectorization operation, ie, stacking by columns.
is a kinship matrix, typically calculated by leave-one-chromosome-out methods.
is the n by d phenotypes matrix.
is a block-diagonal nd by fd matrix consisting of
d blocks each of dimension n by f. Each n by f block (on the diagonal) contains a matrix of
founder allele probabilities for the n subjects at a single marker. The off-diagonal blocks
have only zero entries.
The log-likelihood is returned for each model. The outputted object is a tibble with
d + 1 columns. The first d columns specify the markers used in the corresponding model fit, while
the last column specifies the log-likelihood value at that d-tuple of markers.
a tibble with d + 1 columns. First d columns indicate the genetic data (by listing the marker ids) used in the design matrix; last is log10 likelihood
Knott SA, Haley CS (2000) Multitrait least squares for quantitative trait loci detection. Genetics 156: 899–911.
Jiang C, Zeng ZB (1995) Multiple trait analysis of genetic mapping for quantitative trait loci. Genetics 140: 1111-1127.
Zhou X, Stephens M (2014) Efficient multivariate linear mixed model algorithms for genome-wide association studies. Nature methods 11:407-409.
Broman KW, Gatti DM, Simecek P, Furlotte NA, Prins P, Sen S, Yandell BS, Churchill GA (2019) R/qtl2: software for mapping quantitative trait loci with high-dimensional data and multi-parent populations. GENETICS https://www.genetics.org/content/211/2/495.
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_pvl(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, kinship = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp = 5, cores = 1)
# read data n <- 50 pheno <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n), ncol = 2) rownames(pheno) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("tr", 1:2) probs <- array(dim = c(n, 2, 5)) probs[ , 1, ] <- rbinom(n * 5, size = 1, prob = 0.2) probs[ , 2, ] <- 1 - probs[ , 1, ] rownames(probs) <- paste0("s", 1:n) colnames(probs) <- LETTERS[1:2] dimnames(probs)[[3]] <- paste0("m", 1:5) scan_pvl(probs = probs, pheno = pheno, kinship = NULL, start_snp = 1, n_snp = 5, cores = 1)
Simulate a single multivariate data set consisting of n subjects and d phenotypes for each
sim1(X, B, Sigma)
sim1(X, B, Sigma)
X |
design matrix (incorporating genotype probabilities from two loci), dn by df |
B |
a matrix of allele effects, f rows by d columns |
Sigma |
dn by dn covariance matrix |
a vector of length dn. The first n entries are for trait 1, the second n for trait 2, etc.
n_mouse <- 20 geno <- rbinom(n = n_mouse, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(geno, geno) B <- matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1) sim1(X, B, Sigma = diag(2 * n_mouse))
n_mouse <- 20 geno <- rbinom(n = n_mouse, size = 1, prob = 1 / 2) X <- gemma2::stagger_mats(geno, geno) B <- matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2, nrow = 1) sim1(X, B, Sigma = diag(2 * n_mouse))
An inputted matrix or 3-dimensional array is first subsetted - by rownames - to remove those subjects who are not in ‘id2keep'. After that, the object’s rows are ordered to match the ordering of subject ids in the vector 'id2keep'. This (possibly reordered) object is returned.
subset_input(input, id2keep)
subset_input(input, id2keep)
input |
a matrix of either phenotypes or covariates or array of allele probabilities |
id2keep |
a character vector of subject ids to identify those subjects that are shared by all inputs |
an object resulting from subsetting of 'input'. Its rows are ordered per 'id2keep'
# define s_id s_id <- paste0("s", 1:10) # set up input matrix foo <- matrix(data = rnorm(10 * 3), nrow = 10, ncol = 3) rownames(foo) <- s_id subset_input(input = foo, id2keep = s_id)
# define s_id s_id <- paste0("s", 1:10) # set up input matrix foo <- matrix(data = rnorm(10 * 3), nrow = 10, ncol = 3) rownames(foo) <- s_id subset_input(input = foo, id2keep = s_id)
Since a kinship matrix has subject ids in both rownames and colnames, so we need to remove rows and columns according to names in 'id2keep'. We first remove rows and columns of subjects that are not in 'id2keep'. We then order rows and columns of the resulting matrix by the ordering in 'id2keep'.
subset_kinship(kinship, id2keep)
subset_kinship(kinship, id2keep)
kinship |
a kinship matrix |
id2keep |
a character vector of subject ids to identify those subjects that are shared by all inputs |